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Andre Corbert CEO

The Power of Working Holidays

Ever noticed the quiet of a holiday morning? Streets are empty, emails are silent, but for some of us, it’s the perfect time to get ahead. Working on a holiday isn’t just about dedication; it’s a strategic move. Imagine this: While others are unwrapping gifts, enjoying a late brunch, or simply staying late in bed, you’re tapping into a world with fewer distractions and more focus. It’s like having the highway to yourself on a busy Monday morning. Here’s the real kicker: When you’re working,

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STT Logistics Group Team

Essential Dispatching Insights for Truckers

A dispatcher is needed to help ensure the trucking business is working correctly and its drivers are productive. It’s their job to manage every aspect of the load, from pickup to drop-off. They also work as an alliance between truckers and customers, facilitating communication. Good dispatching can lead to several factors for success: repeat customers, positive reviews, and increased money. It’s significant to build a relationship with your dispatcher because they are the ones who make your runs successful. Ensure you know where to start

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STT Logistics Group Team


As a client working with a freight brokerage company, there are several security tips that you should keep in mind to protect your interests and ensure that your freight is transported safely and securely. Here are some important security tips to know: At STT Logistics Group, we are committed to providing our clients with the highest level of service and security. All our documents and communications are done from our company’s email domain, @sttlg.us; we do not use @gmail.com or any other email domain for that matter.

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Andre Corbert CEO

The Panama Canal Drought: A Logistics Conundrum

The Vital Artery of Global Trade The Panama Canal, an engineering marvel and a critical juncture in global trade, is currently facing one of its most challenging periods. This 51-mile waterway, connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, has been a pivotal route for international maritime trade, cutting down both time and cost for transporting goods around the globe. Drought Strikes Hard Recently, a severe drought has struck the region, leading to a significant drop in water levels in the Canal. This natural calamity has forced

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Andre Corbert CEO

Market Predictions for 2024: Insights from Industry Leaders

In 2024, the market landscape is being shaped by various economic factors and industry trends. We delve into the insights and predictions shared by three key industry leaders, providing a comprehensive look at what the future may hold. What are your predictions for the freight market in 2024? Leave your comments below.

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Andre Corbert CEO

Global Logistics Crisis: The Red Sea Closure and Its Widespread Impact

In a world where the flow of goods never ceases, the abrupt closure of the Red Sea has sent shockwaves through the global logistics industry. This closure, a critical chokepoint for maritime trade, has upended the delicate balance of international commerce and highlighted the interconnected nature of our global economy. A Detour Around Continents The closure forced a seismic shift in maritime routes, pushing ships to navigate around Africa’s Cape of Good Hope. This detour, while historic in its own right, means prolonged journeys, escalating

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Andre Corbert CEO

Insights into Today’s Freight Market Dynamics

The current freight market is experiencing a dynamic shift in various aspects such as freight rates, demand, and capacity, which are significantly influencing shipping strategies and costs. Freight Rates Demand Fluctuations Capacity Changes Impact on Shipping Strategies and Costs In conclusion, the freight market’s current scenario necessitates flexibility and adaptability in shipping strategies to effectively manage costs and meet the changing demands of the global market.

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Andre Corbert CEO

Enhancing Efficiency: A Freight Broker’s Guide for Carriers and Brokers

As a seasoned Freight Broker at STT Logistics Group, I’ve observed the dynamic and evolving landscape of the logistics industry. In this blog, I’ll share insights on how carriers can enhance their operations and how brokers, like ourselves, can contribute to this process for mutual benefit. For the Carriers: Strategies for Success How Brokers Can Help The synergy between carriers and freight brokers is pivotal in the logistics industry. By adopting these strategies, carriers can enhance their operations, and as brokers, we can facilitate their

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Andre Corbert CEO

Expanding Business Horizons: The LinkedIn Advantage

Introduction Hello, I’m Andre Corbert, Founder and CEO of STT Logistics Group. In this digital era, networking has transcended traditional boundaries, and LinkedIn has emerged as a pivotal platform for professionals worldwide. Let me share how LinkedIn has revolutionized the way I connect, communicate, and grow my business. The Gateway to Global Networking When I first embraced LinkedIn, my goal was simple: to expand my professional network beyond local confines. LinkedIn served as a bridge, connecting me with industry leaders, potential collaborators, and clients globally.

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125,000 lbs TESMEC TRS1175 Wheel Trencher CO to TX
Andre Corbert CEO

Navigating Heavy Equipment Transportation: The Tesmec TRS1175 Journey

The Challenge of Moving a Giant Transporting heavy machinery like the Tesmec TRS1175 Tracked Bucket Wheel Trencher demands more than just muscle; it requires meticulous planning and expertise. This heavy equipment transportation challenge began with us finding the right carrier for our customer’s oversized load. The Tesmec TRS1175, a mammoth in the world of trenchers, was not just another piece of equipment—it was a beast that weighed over 125,000 lbs. Selecting the Right Carrier Our first step in this logistics challenge was carrier selection. We

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Stelios Vergitsis

New Innovations in Heavy Equipment Transportation

Hey there, fellow heavy equipment enthusiasts! Get ready to dive into the exciting world of innovative methods and technologies in heavy equipment transportation. From modular trailers to self-driving trucks and advanced shipping containers, let’s explore how these advancements are revolutionizing the industry. One of the prominent innovations in heavy equipment transportation is the use of modular trailers. These specialized trailers consist of multiple interconnected modules, allowing for better weight distribution and load balance. With adjustable axles, these trailers can accommodate various sizes of heavy equipment,

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Andre Corbert CEO

Mastering Logistics and Customer Experience: The STT Logistics Group Approach

At STT Logistics Group, we understand that the essence of efficient logistics management lies in balancing innovative strategies with exceptional customer service. Our approach in 2024 revolves around key components that define our success in freight brokerage solutions and logistics customer service. Ensuring Single Provider Efficiency The logistics industry often faces the challenge of ‘war prices’ for truck spaces. We advocate for working with a single provider, like STT Logistics Group, to avoid such scenarios. When multiple brokers are involved, it can lead to a

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Andre Corbert CEO

STT Logistics Group: Harnessing Technology for Optimal Carrier Selection in 2024

In 2024, STT Logistics Group is set to revolutionize the way we select carriers to provide top-notch service to our customers. Here’s our strategy for integrating technology to ensure reliability and professionalism in our carrier choices: By embracing these technological advancements, STT Logistics Group is committed to elevating the standards of carrier selection, ensuring our customers receive the best possible service in the logistics industry.

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Andre Corbert CEO

Tales of Logistics Mastery: SOME OF STT Logistics Group’s Most Challenging Deliveries

In the dynamic world of logistics, every shipment has its own story. At STT Logistics Group, two of our most challenging and remarkable deliveries showcase our team’s expertise, resilience, and commitment to excellence. The Military Base Mission: 100 Containers Delivered Our first tale unfolds with the delivery of 100 containers to a secluded military base. The mission demanded not only precise coordination but also a deep understanding of the security protocols. Each container, packed with essential equipment, had to reach the base on time. We

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Andre Corbert CEO

Navigating the Freight Brokerage Maze: A SIMPLE Guide for Logistics Service Users

In the intricate world of logistics, selecting the ideal freight brokerage is more than a choice—it’s a strategic decision. This guide, enriched with expert insights, is designed to steer customers and shippers toward making informed and beneficial decisions in choosing what freight brokerage to work with. By following these streamlined steps, you can confidently navigate the freight brokerage landscape, ensuring that your goods are managed by reliable and skilled professionals. This guide aims to simplify your logistics journey, providing peace of mind in your freight

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Andre Corbert CEO

A Tribute to Drivers: Navigating Winter Roads with Care and Appreciation

As winter wraps its snowy arms around us, it’s time to not only share essential driving safety tips but also to extend our deepest gratitude to the drivers who brave these challenging conditions to keep our world moving. Here’s to the unsung heroes on the roads: This winter, as we cozy up in our homes, let’s spare a thought for the drivers out there, navigating treacherous roads to ensure life goes on smoothly. Their dedication and skill deserve our utmost respect and gratitude. To all

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Andre Corbert CEO

Behind-the-Scenes at STT Logistics Group: A Day of Dynamic Challenges and Team Spirit

At STT Logistics Group, every day is a journey of growth, challenges, and team spirit. Our approach to logistics is not just about moving goods; it’s about nurturing our team and exceeding customer expectations. Here’s a glimpse into a day at our company: At STT Logistics Group, every day is an opportunity to learn, grow, and succeed together. We’re not just moving loads; we’re building a community of skilled and dedicated professionals committed to excellence.

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Stelios Vergitsis

A Guide to Importing Equipment from the United States: Tips for Our Latin American Customers

Welcome to our blog, your ultimate resource for all things related to importing equipment from the United States! At STT Logistics, we understand that navigating the import process can seem daunting, especially for our valuable customers in Latin America. That’s why we are here to help! In this blog post, we will walk you through the necessary steps and essential documents required to import the equipment we are transporting for you. Let’s dive in together! Step 1: Research and Identify Your Equipment: Hola! Before jumping

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Andre Corbert CEO

Winter Challenges in Trucking: Ensuring Timely Deliveries with STT Logistics Group

Winter Weather and Its Impact on Trucking Winter presents unique challenges for the trucking industry. Snow and storms can significantly affect delivery routes, leading to unexpected delays and hazards. It’s crucial to plan meticulously, considering weather reports and identifying alternative routes that may be safer during this season. Balancing Professional and Family Life for Truck Drivers Truck drivers often face the difficult task of balancing their professional responsibilities with their desire to spend time with their families. Extended periods away from home can be challenging,

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STT xmas
STT Logistics Group Team

Logistics in Christmas season

The holiday season in the logistics industry is challenging; both customers and businesses are feeling under time pressure. It should come as no surprise that the supply chain and logistics sectors are highly active over the holidays. Shopping increased tremendously from November until January. With the increase in seasonal purchases, a unified logistics process is vital for getting orders to your customers quickly and efficiently. The logistics of moving heavy equipment have become more complicated and challenging to manage due to increased traffic from holiday

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STT Logistics Group Team

Key Questions for Heavy Hauling: Transportation Tips for Clients

One of the most important aspects any business should consider is transport. Your business will suffer without an easy and efficient way to get goods from Point A to Point B. When you are moving, for example, over great distances, the services that are used can quickly become of critical importance. Heavy hauling machinery transportation can give your business quality, efficiency, and speed when handling business tasks. So, what questions should you ask yourself to find the best heavy hauler company for your business? Well,

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STT Logistics Group Team

Top Shipping Companies

Shipping companies are key participants in international logistics. They are responsible for moving goods by sea across the world. That’s why it’s beneficial for us to learn more about them. You can learn a little about the top international shipping companies listed below. A.P. Moller-Maersk Group is a Danish shipping and logistics company founded in 1904. The company transports dry cargo, refrigerated cargo, and special cargo, conducts used container sales, and supports intermodal transport. Maersk operates over 700 vessels, offering an extensive network of services

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STT Logistics Group Team

How Ai can be used in the logistics industry

Are you already taking advantage of artificial intelligence? Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of computers to perform tasks that people usually perform. Nowadays, a lot of companies in the logistics industry employ various AI tools to simplify their operations. Here are some ways AI is being used to improve efficiency in the logistics industry: Even though AI is a very helpful tool for progress in the logistics industry, humans remain at the center of the transportation process. AI can provide valuable assistance and support

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STT Logistics Group Team

STT Logistics Group DNA: Peace of mind

Are you looking for peace of mind? So, to start, what’s the real meaning of peace of mind? It means to be without worry, anxiety, or stress. For STT Logistics Group, it’s a promise we make to you when you call us. We know how important it is to have the right people moving your equipment, so we take it seriously. Our DNA is peace of mind: when you call us, we haul whatever you need, wherever you need it. No matter how large or

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