Prospecting on social media for freight brokers

Did you know, social media connects you to a community and help you get more customers? With more than one billion people using social networks today, social media is forging a new era in business opportunity and engagement, creating two-way communication that enables customer feedback and response in real time.  As the transportation and logistics sector grows, social media has become a powerful marketing tool for businesses of all sizes and industries. 

Social media for logistics and brokers have many advantages and benefits, it can help to:

  • Maximize your number of leads
  • Connects with a significant number of prospective clients
  • Increase your viability online
  • Build brand awareness
  • Prove your expertise
  • Keep up with the competition by connecting to your customers and business partners

Prospecting on social media is a great way to build your transportation business. There is more than one way to approach social media marketing. Here are some advices if you want to rock your business or be the best freight broker in your company:

  • Define your ideal customer. Who are they? Where do they look for answers?
  • Determine which social media platforms they use (Hint: it’s probably more than one)
  • Search for keywords and topics relevant to your business
  • Scroll through the posts and comments to find relevant conversations that you can join
  • Jump in and answer questions or give background knowledge
  • Create new connections with potential customers through those conversations

Social media is not only a place to represent your brand and position yourself as an expert in transportation and logistics in front of our carriers and clients. It is also a way to connect with the community and enhance your reputation.



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