Truck Driver


There are about 3.5 million transporters all over the US, and if you don’t have experience it can be very difficult to find someone you can trust. So, what are you supposed to look for? What considerations you must have?

The first thing you must consider is that the person you will hire will take care of the cargo you need, and especially in big loads, that cargo can be worth thousands or even millions of dollars. It can be scary for someone without experience, but that’s why here are a few qualities you need to look for to make sure you hire the right person.

Customer-Centered: For a transporter, nothing can be more important than you and your needs. Everything must be tailored accordingly, such as timing and equipment necessary. This person has to make you feel perfectly serviced like you’re the most important person in the world.

Stability and Credibility: You want someone experienced, that knows what they’re doing, trustworthy, and capable of setting the right expectations. How do you know? Reviews from previous customers, like in the Better Business Bureau (BBB) or Transport Reviews.

Safety First Approach: The right person to hire will always take care of your loads like it’s theirs. They will do the necessary investigations and background checks to make sure the driver that will take your load is reliable and fully insured, so your load is safe.

Strong Ethics: The right people have a path already set for their success and want to help your success too.

“The best logistics providers adhere to strong moral and ethical principles.”

Transparency and Responsiveness: It simply gives you peace of mind when the agent keeps you on the same page, and not just you, but all the parties involved. Look for someone that answers the phone, calls you back, gives you updates, and doesn’t hide anything from you, even bad news.

Risk and Control of the Risk: The high results come from calculating and controlling the risks you can face with transportation. You want someone with experience that can predict outcomes, so you can risk without risking.  

Speed and Precision: Speed in this industry is key. Someone that works fast and carefully, looking into every detail and giving you solutions on the spot is someone you can trust. You will be able to make money faster.

High Tolerance for Stress: All of this you’re reading it’s a lot to handle, and the person that even after handling all of these things, will always talk to you with a smile and treat you the way you deserve.

Of course, there’s a lot more to this industry that we can talk about, but I’ll probably need a whole book for that. These are the most important aspects that you can start with and I’ll guarantee you’ll get top-shelf agents working with you.





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